Equilibrium between Women and Men

This project responded primarily to the disadvantage of women in access to decision-making. Our goal was to achieve greater representation of women in politics and greater respect for their needs in towns and villages on the basis of research, education, and work with key stakeholders. Using mentoring, networking meetings, seminars, and conferences, we supported capacities of publicly active women and politicians. In addition to new local contacts, they have received valuable information and experience from the Nordic countries, where they had the opportunity to perceive issues of equality from a completely different and very practical point of view. To raise awareness on gender equality, we have mapped the position of women in the Czech Republic and Nordic countries and the outputs in the form of analyses, publications, educational materials, databases, interviews, and articles that we have advertised in the media, on websites and social networks. We have also worked with key stakeholders: men and women politicians, political parties, and men and women experts in the field. We have offered them statistics, research, experience, contacts, and information including those from Norway. Thus, we managed to encourage cooperation and gain more supporters of gender equality.

Organization Fórum 50 %, o.p.s.
Topic Equal opportunities


Amount 8 773 549 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.07.2014 - 31.08.2016
Partners Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. (SoÚ), Svaz měst a obcí ČR (SMO), Severská obchodní komora v ČR (SOK)
Website www.padesatprocent.cz
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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