Women can be agents of change in Roma communities; however, they encounter multiple discrimination that hinders their full participation in society. The JILEHA project has enabled 90 Roma women to initiate positive changes in their lives and helped to activate them for work in the community in general.

Nine Roma women’s groups have been established within the project in different regions of the Czech Republic. They operate on the peer-to-peer principle and contribute to promoting gender equality in the Roma community. More than 184 meetings of groups have taken place. We also organised a conference where different groups presented their activities and results. The conference covered five topics that were identified as crucial by the target group: education, employment, foster care, tradition vs. emancipation, and domestic violence. We have published electronic materials mapping the first eight months of existence of the groups and presenting stories of selected female members whom the project is helping. The material has been printed as well.

The groups continue their activities and at the moment we are considering a strategy together to ensure its operation into the future. Women’s groups are helping in their cities and contributing to the life of their communities. New strong female personalities have emerged in these localities.

Organization SLOVO 21, z.s.
Topic Equal opportunities


Amount 834 741 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.05.2015 - 31.03.2016
Website www.slovo21.cz
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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