Let´s find together a new way!

Another obstacle is the traditional understanding of the role of women in the Roma community. The prevailing perception of Roma women as mothers and carers is regarded as one of the causes of low participation and motivation to succeed in the educational system. The project sought to raise awareness of gender issues in a particular group of Roma women and their motivation for professional development while encouraging them to enter the labour market. It also focused on improving the perception of specific gender relations in the Roma population by mainstream society. Thanks to our activities,two Roma women have found official employment. The living situation of several other Roma women has improved considerably, as they managed to leave shelters and find their own housing. Their children have also stopped attending segregated schools. Women were acquainted with the issues of equal opportunities; they were trained, and finally became more aware of their own strengths, which in turn boosted their confidence. The financial support from Erasmus + GIC NORA will allow us to stay in touch with these women and work with them further, which ensures the sustainability of the project.

Website of the project: hledejmespolecnenovoucestu.cz.

Organization Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s.
Topic Equal opportunities


Amount 888 303 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.09.2014 - 30.11.2015
Partners MIRET o.s.
Website www.gendernora.cz
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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