
You can watch the stream from the conference here.

First day of the Let´s Give Women a Chance and Men an Opportunity Conference begins with Introductory panel: Women´s Issue in
Today´s World and continues with panel on Achievements of the Let´s Give (Wo)Men a Chance Programme.

For watching the stream from the first day, click on the first video. The stram will start at 9.00 am.

Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance and Men an Opportunity (Day1):

Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance and Men an Opportunity (Day 2) – Equal opportunities session:

Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance and Men an Opportunity (Day 2) – Gender-based violence session:

Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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