Our methods of work with violent persons were substantially enriched and elaborated during this study trip. Two of our employees were trained to use the animated film Sinna Mann and two experts gained valuable information on approaches, procedures and cooperation of Norwegian organisations and institutions in the area of gender-based and domestic violence. The film mentioned above deals with the issue of violence in the family witnessed by children; it can serve to detect and get in touch with the target group and offers demonstrably efficient tools for sensitive social work in this field. Thanks to the project, we have met experienced workers of organisations focused on work with perpetrators of violence, which was extremely valuable considering the standard of this type of social work in the Czech Republic.
We are applying all acquired know-how in the day-to-day work of our organisation. We use motifs from the Sinna Mann film, as well as the whole film, in our adult education courses (social services or educational professionals) and are testing individual recommendations from our Norwegian colleagues in our work with violent persons.