Systemic change in discriminatory displaying men and women in advertising

This project responded to the excessive occurrence of discriminatory advertisements in Czech public space. We have also helped several target groups to better understand the issue of sexist advertising, a topic until now largely neglected by Czech society. Students have gained broad insight into gender stereotypes, which enables them to evaluate social reality critically. The “Sexist Piggy” Awards have given rise to a public debate on this topic and educational events ensured greater awareness of the subject. The relevant authorities have been presented with well-prepared methodological materials and arguments. We have also initiated discussions. We want to pursue this topic in the long term and we expect to elaborate upon it in the future. Owing to the significant and positive impact of the project on the advertising environment in the Czech Republic and the critical reflection of public space, we are currently in the preparation stage of another similar project. The main benefit of this project is the involvement of the public in distinguishing and deciding what is and what is not sexist advertising, and a more sensitive assessment of sexist ads by both businesspeople and customers. All target groups have been shown options and tools for responding to discriminatory advertising. We pointed out two specific breaches of ethical code to the media and nine companies that produced sexist ads were fined.

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Organization NESEHNUTÍ Brno
Topic Equal opportunities


Amount 2 105 430 CZK
Date of project implementation 01.09.2014 - 31.01.2016
Partners Otevřená společnost, Kancelář veřejného ochránce práv, Fakulta sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy, Rada pre reklamu, Slovensko, Konektor a.s.
Program Dejme (že)nám šanci, spravovaný Nadací OSF, byl ukončen v roce 2017. Web není nadále aktualizován.
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