Unemployment in localities with Roma populations in the Šluknov area is high, especially among women. There are many reasons: poor education, low qualifications, lack of skills, work habits and childcare, and discrimination. This project focused on supporting women taking care of children, especially among Romas. The aim was to involve them in an integration program, to improve their knowledge and skills,give them counselling, and provide care facilities for children up to the age of six. The project aims have been achieved. Women participated in workshops on the topics of motivation, financial literacy, legal basics or seeking employment, as well as courses insewing, cooking, weaving, and pottery. They met regularly at our community centre, where they also received counselling. Thirteen Roma women have since found employment. We have published a Roma cookbook and launched the “Social Wardrobe” second-hand clothes sale. We provided day care for children under age six. We helped children and parents prepare for starting school. Another group met in the “Club for Enterprising Women” to discuss issues related to small businesses. Childcare services and activities for women in the community centre are still taking place today.